As of October, most of our adult kōlea have returned to Hawaiʻi for the winter. Now is the time to keep an eye out for their summer’s offspring, which can arrive as late as November depending on Alaska weather. Because of these late arrivals, we start the annual Kōlea Count on December 1st. Please tell me on the contact tab which site you can count, and I’ll sign you up. We ask for a minimum of 3 counts on your chosen site between December 1st and March 31st. (Suggested count sites)
Wally Johnson is also migrating to Hawai’i again to continue his Pacific Golden-Plover research. Please join us to see Wally’s excellent photos and hear the latest about these marvelous shorebirds that brighten our lives with their presence.
Becoming a member of the Hawaii Audubon Society helps us help Wally learn more about the birds, and in that, we help them thrive.
Hope to see you at Sea Life Park for this special plover party. Buy tickets here. (Deadline October 22nd.)