Report Your Kolea
Migratory shorebirds called Kolea in Hawaii, spend summer in Alaska raising chicks, and then fly to Hawaii for the winter. The purpose of this site is to record when, where, and how many Kolea migrate to Hawaii and how many spend summers here.
We divided the count into Little Counts and Big Counts. Report a bird in your yard or small park for Little Counts. To sign up for Big Counts, go to this list. Email your choice in Contact. For count directions, see Guidelines tab.

Report Your Kolea
Migratory shorebirds called Kolea in Hawaii, spend summer in Alaska raising chicks, and then fly to Hawaii for the winter. The purpose of this site is to record when, where, and how many Kolea migrate to Hawaii and how many spend summers here.
We divided the count into Little Counts and Big Counts. Report a bird in your yard or small park for Little Counts. To sign up for Big Counts, go to this list. Email your choice in Contact. For count directions, see Guidelines tab.

Named Kolea by ancient Hawaiians, this migratory shorebird has been part of Hawaii culture for centuries. Island Kolea are alert and personable, adapting to human presence, and to our grassy open spaces on which they spend their wintering season.
No wrong way to count and report kōlea
April 29, 2024 Thanks to Hawaiʻi’s residents and visitors who care about the ...
Kōlea hui
Kōlea gathering at a Ford Island field. ©Susan Scott April 14, ...
A bird in the hand, and band through a lens
A happy Joshua Fisher, USFWS Invasive Species Biologist, holds the elusive kōlea ...
I count. Sign me up
November 12, 2023 Thank you for joining the Hawaii Audubon Society's annual statewide ...
Worms served fresh
October 17, 2023 Aloha, kōlea fans. Our adult plovers have returned home (I ...
Kōlea Quest 23: A hatchling bonanza
July 6, 2023 Twenty Hawaiʻi Audubon Society members left Nome last week uttering ...
Farewell and fair winds, dear kolea
Kōlea in flight, Kaena Point. ©Leslie MacPherson, DLNR. April 27, 2023 ...
Fly 6,000 miles with talking backpacks? No problem.
During an August 10th Hilo visit, Hawaii Audubon board members Dr. Wendy ...
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