Report Your Kolea
Migratory shorebirds called Kolea in Hawaii, spend summer in Alaska raising chicks, and then fly to Hawaii for the winter. The purpose of this site is to record when, where, and how many Kolea migrate to Hawaii and how many spend summers here.
We divided the count into Little Counts and Big Counts. Report a bird in your yard or small park for Little Counts. To sign up for Big Counts, go to this list. Email your choice in Contact. For count directions, see Guidelines tab.

Report Your Kolea
Migratory shorebirds called Kolea in Hawaii, spend summer in Alaska raising chicks, and then fly to Hawaii for the winter. The purpose of this site is to record when, where, and how many Kolea migrate to Hawaii and how many spend summers here.
We divided the count into Little Counts and Big Counts. Report a bird in your yard or small park for Little Counts. To sign up for Big Counts, go to this list. Email your choice in Contact. For count directions, see Guidelines tab.

Named Kolea by ancient Hawaiians, this migratory shorebird has been part of Hawaii culture for centuries. Island Kolea are alert and personable, adapting to human presence, and to our grassy open spaces on which they spend their wintering season.
Kolea counting is about more than just numbers
A Kolea in Oahu Cemetery. Photo courtesy Rick Bernico December 1, ...
Golfers and Kolea share a love of fine landscaping
Pacific Golden-Plovers love what we humans have done with the Hawaiian Islands, particularly ...
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What happened to the map and database on this site? A: Deleted ...
Kolea Count Guidelines, A Community Science Project
Summer Kolea in Waiau District Park, Pearl City. Photo courtesy Evelyn Nakanishi, ...
My Kolea is back!
On July 25, 2020, my Julie/Jake arrived on the MidPacific Golf Course. ...
2019 Early Birds
The 2019 summer had an exceptionally early arrival of Kolea in Hawaii.
Kuriri, New Zealands’s Pacific Golden Plovers
The Kolea that spend winters in Hawaii and nest in Alaska are just ...
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